Concert Alerts for Vancouverites
I've been busy the last couple days settling into my new digs and finally completing The Big Move from Edmonton to Vancouver. The past few months I've been living out of a suitcase in my friends' spare room, but now have my own sweet suite. My folks are also visiting right now, so don't expect to hear much more from me until next week.
A couple big shows announced recently for late in the summer here in Vancouver, both at Stanley Park.August 31 - September 1, The Stanley Park Singing Exhibition
A two day festival curated by The New Pornographers, who of course will be performing as a supergroup and in parts (i.e. Neko Case, Destroyer, The Evaporators). Other announced acts include Deerhoof, The 1900s, and Andrew Bird with more to follow. AAARRRGH! Here I was all jealous after reading Andrew Bird would be hitting the Calgary Folk Fest and now he IS coming to town but I already chose that weekend of all weekends to fly out to Toronto to visit relatives. Bah! That's bah to missed concert, not bah to visiting relatives-- I've got a brand new cousin to meet! At least, I've already seen Andrew Bird and the New Pornographers before, though I may weep as more acts are announced later. CBC Radio 3 is a proud sponsor of this first ever festival, which hopefully implies this will become an annual tradition. Tickets on sale Friday at Ticketmaster and probably any indie record store. $30 to $35 for one day, $60 for a 2-day pass.
September 18, The Raconteurs will inexplicably be coming back through Vancouver even though they were just here a couple months ago. No complaints here! Tickets also on sale Friday.
A couple other notable gigs coming up soon:
June 29, 12pm Elizabeth Shepherd is doing a free show at David Lam Park in conjunction with the Vancouver Jazz Festival.
July 6, Butch Walker, former lead singer of Marvelous 3-- a cover post on him is long, long overdue.
The New Pornographers - The New Face of Zero and One
Andrew Bird - Two Way Action
The New Pornographers - Three or Four
The Raconteurs - Five on the Five
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